Date Published |
Title |
Author |
| 2018 | The UK's Housing Problem | Global Housing Watch |
| 2018 | English Housing Survey - Home Ownership | Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government |
| December 2016 | History Dependence in the Housing Market | Philippe Bracke and Silvana Tenreyro |
| July 15, 2016 | Building More Homes | Published by the Authority of the House of Lords |
| February 2016 | IMF UK FSAP - 2015 Article IV Consultation | IMF |
| 2016 | Housing Policies in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and the United States: Lessons Learned | Christian A. L. Hilber |
| 2016 | Housing Policies in UK, Switzerland, and US | Christian Hilber, Olivier Schoni |
| 2015 | Fair and Effective Markets Review, Final Report | Bank of England |
| 2015 | Regulating Housing Vacancies Away? The Paradoxical Effects of Mismatch | Paul Cheshire, Christian A.L. Hilber, and Hans R.A. Koster |
| 2014 | House Price Index | Office for National Statistics |
| 2014 | Implementing the Financial Policy Committee's recommendation on loan to income ratios in mortgage lending | Bank of England Prudential Regulation Authority |
| March 2013 | Help to Buy: Mortgage Guaranty Scheme Outline | HM Treasury |
| 2013 | The Impact of Supply Constraints on House Prices in England | Christian A. L. Hilber |
| 2013 | The Affordable Rent Model in London: Delivery, Viability, Potential | Andrew Heywood |
| 2013 | A Better Housing Finance System | Angus Armstrong |
| 2013 | FSA Policy Statement PS13/6: The regulation and supervision of benchmarks | Financial Services Authority |
| 2012 | FSA Policy Statement PS12/16: Mortgage Market Review - Feedback on CP11/31 and Final Rules | Financial Services Authority |
| 2012 | Speech: National balance sheets and macro policy: lessons from the past | Paul Tucker |
| 2012 | Understanding Supply Constraints in the Housing Market | FTI Consulting |
| 2012 | Mortgage Market Update - Financial Services Authority | Financial Services Authority |
| 2012 | Interest Only Mortgages | Financial Conduct Authority (UK) |
| 2011 | Mortgage Market Review: Proposed Package of Reforms | Financial Services Authority |
| 2011 | Thematic Review on Mortgage Underwriting and Origination Practices: Peer Review Report | Financial Stability Board |
| 2011 | The Impact of Legislation on Credit Risk—Comparative Evidence From the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany | Christian Schmieder and Philipp Schmieder |
| 2011 | Prudential Risk Outlook 2011 | Financial Services Authority |
| 2011 | The End of the Affair: Implications of Declining Home Ownership | Andrew Heywood |
| 2011 | The Financial Conduct Authority: Approach to Regulation | Financial Services Authority |
| 2010 | Modelling and Forecasting UK Mortgage Arrears and Possessions | Janine Aron |
| 2010 | Giving Up Home Ownership: A Qualitative Study of Voluntary Possession and Selling Because of Financial Difficulties | Janet Ford |
| 2010 | Promoting Investment in Private Rented Housing Supply: International Policy Comparisons | Michael Oxley, Ros Lishman, Tim Brown, Michael Oxley, Marietta Haffner, Joris Hoekstra |
| 2010 | Contrasting Varieties of Private Renting: England and Germany | Peter A. Kemp and Stefan Kofner |
| 2010 | The Impact of the Financial Crisis on UK Mortgage Funding | Rob Thomas |
| 2010 | The Role of Mortgage Securitisation in the Financial Crisis and How to Restore the Market’s Health | Rob Thomas |
| 2009 | Housing Finance in The Euro Area: Structural Issues Report | European Central Bank |
| 2009 | MoneyMadeClear Guide - Leaflet on Mortgage Arrears | Financial Services Authority |
| 2008 | Mortgage Brokers in the UK versus the US | Jack M. Guttentag |
| 2007 | Social Housing in Europe | Christine Whitehead, Kathleen Scanlon |
| 2007 | UK Housing and the Economy | Paul Samter |
| 2007 | Managing Mortgage Arrears and Possessions in the UK | Mark Stephens |
| 2007 | Increasing Affordability Problems - A Role for Shared Equity Products? Experience in Australia and the UK - An Update | Christine Whitehead |
| 2004 | The UK’s model of effective non-statutory regulation provides a valuable framework for other mortgage markets | Luke March |
| 2004 | The UK Mortgage Market: Taking a Longer-Term View | David Miles |
| 2004 | The UK Mortgage Market: Taking a Longer-Term View, Final Report and Recommendations | David Miles |
| 2003 | Private finance for a social purpose: mortgage lenders and housing associations in the UK | Peter Williams |
| 2002 | Can Mutuals Find a Role | David Carlisle |
| 2001 | A Study of Mortgage Prepayment Risk | Simon Perry |
| 2000 | Consumer Protection and Regulation | Michael Coogan |
| 2000 | The Case for Building Societies | Building Societies Association |
| 1998 | Recent Developments in the UK Housing and Mortgage Markets | Michael Coogan |
| 1998 | UK Flexible Mortgages: The Product for the Next Millennium | Chris Heard |
| 1995 | Structural Changes in Housing Markets: The American, British, Australian and Canadian Experiences | George Fallis |
| 1995 | Structural Changes in Housing Markets: The American, British, Australian and Canadian Experiences | George Fallis |
| 1994 | Mortgage Securitization in the UK: An Emerging Market? | Tim Freeman |
| 1994 | UK Regulation: Cutting a Path through the Regulatory Jungle | Adrian Coles |
| 1993 | Housing Associations in the UK - The Third Arm of Housing | Adrian Coles |
| 1993 | Developments in the UK Mortgage Market | Adrian Coles |
| 1992 | The Impact of the Single European Market on Housing Finance in the UK | Mark Boleat |
| 1991 | Recent Developments in the UK Savings Market | Adrian Coles |
| 1990 | House Prices in Great Britain | Adrian Coles |
| 1988 | Infolink - the UK Credit Information Agency | Brian Bailey |
| 1988 | Variable Rate Mortgages - the British Experience | Adrian Coles |
| 1988 | Mortgage Guarantee Insurance in the UK | Brian Hall |
| 1987 | UK Owner-Occupation Rate Should Approach 75% | Adrian Coles |
| 1987 | UK Building Societies and International Capital Markets | Brian Philips |
| 1986 | Capital Markets: A Stable Source of Funds for UK Building Societies | Brian Philips |
| 1986 | Dawn of a new legislative era for Housing Finance | Housing Finance International |
| Q3 2013 | Bank Capital and Liquidity, Safeguarding Stability | Marc Fang, Damian Harland and Dan Nixon |
| Feburary 2016 | Commentary: UK Housing Market: Problems and Policies | Angus Armstrong |